Excel Hours

About Us

Every organization struggles with trying to extract the data necessary to run the business from its multiple collections of applications and data sources. Ideally you would have everything you needed to make decisions about your business in a single report or spreadsheet. But that is easier said than done.
We can help to combine information from single or multiple applications to provide the "big picture" or detail reporting that is currently missing. Why spend hours, days, or even weeks manually pulling data together when we can streamline the process into the click of a button.

We have extensive experience in working with clients to gather requirements and in building the exact report necessary for your organization.

Consultants abound for almost any business situation in any industry -- whether manufacturing, education, healthcare, telecommunications, entertainment, or virtually any other slice of the economy -- bringing expertise in finance, accounting, IT, marketing, operations, strategy, or nearly any other functional discipline.

With all of the consulting services available in the marketplace today, one would expect that numerous firms would be devoted to consulting around one of the most ubiquitous -- and often sub-optimally utilized -- business tools in use today: Microsoft Excel. In reality, though, MS Excel consulting services are typically provided by small firms, with one or a handful of consultants -- often addressing niche needs for their clients -- with little standardization in approach or consistency of skill level.

Whatever your project may be, our consulting services can fit your needs and your budget. For customized solutions, our team will provide a fixed quote for your application. This means you will understand the total project cost before we begin.

Our Excel consulting services include but are not limited to: database programming, reporting, data manipulation and conversion, database marketing, data audit, data cleaning, data mining and forecasting, data integration, financial modeling, query calculator and tools, customized Excel functions, and spreadsheet design.
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