Excel Hours

II Year Wow!!
            another year,
            another achievement,
            another member,
            another learner 

      a 2 Year Milestone to my Excel Posting site. 


A huge thank you to all my friends and family who have supported me throughout adjusting with my timings and always lending an upper hand to help…
Another huge thank you to all who have taken the coaching and used this in their office, work, home wherever useful and felt that this coaching came in hand and was very useful. This is the greatest gift I could have ever received or wanted. Thank you. Thank you so much.
The greatest gratefulness and thankfulness is to the Lord Almighty, who has blessed me throughout to pass on knowledge to others in one way or another.

Two years ago I had this small desire to meet different people, to understand and learn, how Excel was so difficult and different for them to be used everywhere when i was so much in love with it
In my work, I have personally meet a few of them, who always said “NO TIME” to learn or even exercise or try out what all can be done with Excel.
This put me into thought and then I decided to think differently where I needed to understand how i as an individual to help them.

“NO TIME” become
“EXCEL HOURS” and I started blogging and posting in the web that I will coach on Microsoft Excel on a one to one basis online. To start with, there were a lot of hitches and it was a very difficult phase, but I decided NOT TO QUIT and I studied about Microsoft Excel more and more every day, enriching myself with the knowledge. I voluntarily went out of the way to support and help people who were facing issues with MS Excel. This platform opened up my coaching skills instead of teaching them.

I still remember those days and all the people who I coached in person…
There are lots of experiences drawn that developed myself and then hearing how others used Excel coached, gives me immense pride.
I used to make sure that i did my homework everyday before the class even if i was so familiar with the subject. This helped me to add more and more value to what i could coach. This also helped me a lot in my day to day life.
I am one among the most privileged to understand that there are so many people who could use this one little knowledge and do wonders and all we have to do is just show them to light the candle. This really brings me great pleasure and happiness and feel that I am blessed myself to have imparted this knowledge.

I learnt the importance of Time Management, which read:

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose” —Lyndon B. Johnson.

I placed all my priorities, scheduled and estimated required time, and then started off being more efficient….I learnt how to plan my time more efficiently and found where all i wasted/wasting time. This made me place things in proper schedule and follow it.

“Going to office on time or starting the session on time was not punctual, leaving the office on time and finishing the session on- time became more important, which I learnt and now manage Office, Family & Social life well”

To me Listening skills bought out the biggest essence of life:
When I started teaching, a lot of questions & doubts were put forth. I was more concerned about how to give a solution rather than understand and act on it. Once I started Coaching, I started understanding- "Why a question is raised by the person"? I started analyzing and found that my solutions were better choices than the 1st attempt.

“The Ice berg above is the question asked and the Ice berg at the bottom is why the question was raised by the person”

This turned the idea and path of my Coaching:

“You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself” —Galileo Galilei.

I always focused on immediate performance problems and learning opportunities and being very clear on finding out what issues an individual comes across while using the subject.

“The great thing to do is to give these people roots to grow and wings to fly, and ensure that they maintain the fine balance between humility and arrogance.”
This I do believe.

To add to this great adventure, I started:
Blogging which really changed my perception of the web and apart from the professional opportunities that I have come across, I also made friends and key contacts in the corporate world.

To sum up, it has been a great 2 year, full of appreciation and imparting knowledge and lessons learnt. Thank you all once again and do keep practicing and if you need a coach, you know where to find one! God Bless.

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